If you’ve made it far enough to see this website you probably already know what a Debowler is.  For those of you that aren’t totally sure at this point what a debowler is or how to use it I am going to go ahead and explain. 

There has existed for a very long time a need for an ashtray with a centrally located spike.  This ashtray specifically requires a spike for the purposes of servicing those who smoke out of pipes.  Pipes (as pipe smokers might explain) tend to all have the problem of left over ash stuck in the pipe. 

By stabbing the Debowler’s spike into the cashed bowl you are able to loosen and remove ash while it falls directly into the ashtray. 

If you’ve ever used one of these you know!  If you haven’t you should give it a try – I guarantee you will be happy with the results. 
Good Luck!

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